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The Blissful Dog of the Day - Chloe

2 min read

The Blissful Dog of the Day - Chloe

The Blissful Dog of the Day ~ Chloe

Y'all are in for a treat today! We are honored and delighted to present none other than Chloe or The Royal Princess Chloe Anne.
The Blissful Dog: May we refer to her in the familiar?
C.M. (Chloe's Mom): Yes, you may, she is putting protocol aside to allow an inside peek at her life.
TBD: If you know your dog’s birthday, let us know.
C.M. 12 yrs old. Birthday Date is 9-23-2006
TBD: Ah, a balanced Libra! Chloe is a great companion and everyone is attracted to her cheerful nature and delightful sense of humor. Very protective of her family, Chloe will not allow an unkind remark to be made about any of those she loves. She is very approachable, despite her royal status and enjoys mingling will all she meets. 
TBD: Is this your only dog or pet? If not fill us in on your dog’s housemates. Do they get along? Who is Top Dog?
C.M.: Chloe is our only dog -- and she likes it that way
TBD: What is your dog’s favorite splurge for a snack? A bit of steak, a bully stick, stolen cat litter box truffles?
C.M.: Peanut Butter is her go-to snack (it hides a multitude of medicines).
TBD: What’s the funniest thing your dog ever did? Did they paper the house with an entire 12-pack of Charmin’s finest? Or drag out the contents of your clothes hamper to show your dinner guests? Or maybe your dog’s a Houdini hound?
C.M.: Chloe silently pops up in mysterious places throughout the house, staring at you, without you knowing it. She's a ninja!!
TBD: If you could tell your dog one thing and know they 100% understood, what would it be?
C.M.: Stop being so afraid of everything!!
TBD: Does your dog have any silly habits or idiosyncrasies? Do they spin in circles before pooping? Do they always (every. single. time.) bark when the microwave beeps? What is that funny thing your dog does that always makes you smile?
C.M. Chloe has to bury her food in a blanket before she eats. Every piece is carried (by the mouthful) into another room where we always have the "eating blanket" ready. She digs and digs, puts her food down, buries it with her nose....then PROMPTLY uncovers it an eats it.
TBD: Here’s your chance - Share anything you care to about your dog.
C.M.: Chloe is a very special Pomeranian. She's been through many knee surgeries and is very delicate. But she's always a bright spot in our day, happy to see us, and always greets us with lots of barks!
Thank you so much for sharing a glimpse into them life of a truly royal princess. We are humbled by her generosity.
Chloe Pomeranian