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Does Your Dog Have
✔ A Dry, Crusty Nose?
✔ Is Top of Nose Dry?
✔ Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Thick Elbow Calluses?
✔ Callused Hocks
✔ Pre-Callus Areas?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Rough, Dry Paws?
✔ Sensitive Paw Pads?
✔ Extra Dry Paw Tissue?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Skin Irritations?
✔ Scratches & Scrapes?
✔ Rashes? Abrasions?
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Does Your Dog Have
✔ A Dry, Crusty Nose?
✔ Is Top of Nose Dry?
✔ Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
Soothes Dry, Crusty Noses Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Thick Elbow Calluses?
✔ Callused Hocks
✔ Pre-Callus Areas?
Conditions Elbow Calluses Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Rough, Dry Paws?
✔ Sensitive Paw Pads?
✔ Extra Dry Paw Tissue?
Moisturizes Rough Paw Pads Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Skin Irritations?
✔ Scratches & Scrapes?
✔ Rashes? Abrasions?
Soothes Minor Skin Irritations
Try It All!
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✔ Tins & Tubes
✔ Any Combo of Products
Over 125 Dog Breed Label Options
Relax Dog Aromatherapy Calms Your Anxious Dog
Relax Dog Aromatherapy gently soothes your scared, stressed dog using all-natural essential oils
Age Well Aromatherapy For Your Dog's Aging
Age Well calms your senior dog's agitation and confusion, keeping them in the present moment.
Focus Dog Aromatherapy Chaos to Concentration
Helps hyperactive, wound-tight, inattentive dogs pay attention for short periods (classes etc.)
Even Big Dogs Can Be Afraid of Thunder, Fireworks or Being Alone
Relax Dog Aromatherapy Calms Your Anxious Dog
Relax Dog Aromatherapy gently soothes your scared, stressed dog using all-natural essential oils
Shop Relax Dog Aromatherapy
Age Well Aromatherapy For Your Dog's Aging
Age Well calms your senior dog's agitation and confusion, keeping them in the present moment.
Shop Age Well Dog Aromatherapy
Focus Dog Aromatherapy Chaos to Concentration
Helps hyperactive, wound-tight, inattentive dogs pay attention for short periods (classes etc.)
Shop Focus Dog Aromatherapy
Even Big Dogs Can Be Afraid of Thunder, Fireworks or Being Alone
3 min read
Sharing a huge feast of turkey, ham, stuffing/dressing, potatoes, yams, rolls, butter, more butter and then, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, cakes galore and that's the short list is a carved-in-stone tradition. Sadly, virtually everything on that classic Thanksgiving Dinner list is not just bad for our dogs, in some cases can be lethal. While that may sound a bit histrionic Dog Mom talking, it is TRUE.
Articles galore have been written about what traditional Thanksgiving foods our dogs can and can't eat. Some of the info is contradictory, what's a concerned dog lover to do???
You can control what you decide to give your dog, but if you are hosting the festivities you have the difficult role of hosting and being the Party Pooper who won't let the dogs have "Just a Bite." Every year your sister's husband tries to give your French Bulldog chunks of turkey, with the skin. Why won't he listen?
The bottom line is it is our responsibility to ensure our dogs don't eat what may be harmful. Below are a few tips and ideas you can incorporate into your holiday to make life easier for you all. Especially for your dog's digestive tract
Add info about what NOT to feed your dogs within the invitation if you are emailing or actually sending an invitation in the mail (hey, people do still send invitations). Be very clear. Here's sample verbiage.
As a reminder, our dogs are not allowed ANY people food. We have approved dog snacks for you to give them, if you cannot resist their begging faces.
Others gently share the Turkey Day Dog Tips as the meal begins or even while socializing before the meal. You can do the whole tapping your fork on your glass and have everyone turning with anticipation for some wedding, pregnancy or moving announcement.
Utilizing a white board or chalk board with the Dog Feeding Rules carved in Sharpie written out can work. Put the board in a prominent spot and point at it as needed.
The first person who says, “Just a bite won’t hurt,” is responsible for all clean-up of canine upset tummies (both ends) AND the emergency holiday vet visit. They have been fore-warned! Of course, merely having rules may annoy some people. There is a chance you may end up on Reddit’s AITA. We would vote NTA.
Also, make 100% sure all guests know you are the ONLY one allowed to give any snacks to your dog. You may select a Designated Dog Snack Giver to someone who can be trusted.
On to what is allowed for dogs to eat and what isn’t.
You’ve made it through the meal, and no one gave any of your dogs even one tiny morsel of food. Congratulations. One last task. Keep the trash and all its temptations secure and out of your dog’s reach! A dog who feels left out from the feast can be incredibly sneaky and resourceful. Put that trash into a secure area. We suggest the guest bathroom, shed out back…anywhere your wiliest dog cannot get into!
Just in case the dreaded happens and your dog somehow gorges on the “NO List” foods, here is the Pet Poison Helpline, or call your local emergency vet that offers weekend and after-hours services. Have that number available ahead of time!
Have a SAFE and Happy Thanksgiving! Remember, it's All About That Baste!