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Philosophical Poo Ponderings | The Dudeist Dog

3 min read

the blissful dogma abides

Why Dudeist Dogs Poop in the House, Man

For those of you who have enjoyed the wonders of The Big Lebowski, you will surely be aware of the philosophy of Dudeism. If you haven't seen this cinematic classic, finish reading this post (of course), then download it and revel in it's vibe.

Dudeism is an ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Oh yeah, here we go...

The idea is this: Life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it. So don’t do anything about it. Just take it easy, man. Stop worrying so much whether you’ll make it into the finals. Kick back with some friends and some oat soda and whether you roll strikes or gutters, do your best to be true to yourself and others – that is to say, abide.

Incidentally, the term “dude” is commonly agreed to refer to both genders. Most linguists contend that “Dudette” is not in keeping with the parlance of our times. From

The Dude Who Put the Dude in Dudeism 

Of course, Jeffrey Lebowski IS The Dude

The uber-dude. Helped to bring Dudeism to the forefront of modern consciousness. If not for him, we’d still be stuck in the dude dark-ages. He’s Dude Vinci, Isaac Dudeton, and Charles Dudewin all rolled into one. Or just, His Dudeness, if you’re into that whole brevity thing. To him we owe the crystallization of all things Dude. –From

The Dude Abides Dogma

Why Your Dudeist Dog Poops In The House 

Dude, he means no disrespect. 

Now, it’s a basic tenet of the Dudeist ethos to just say “$#%^ it,” or “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man. Your Dudeist dog is probably just too much in the zone to be bothered by something as chill-busting as going all the way outside to poop. As long as he doesn't poop on the carpet that tied the room together, it's all good.

If your dog could speak he would look at you as you rant about the afore-mentioned poop in the house and implore you to “just take it easy, man.”

Of course, your dudeist dog completely respects your point of view regarding his pooping in the house. He would ask you to join him in relaxing and for you to just...abide.

Your Dudeist dog knows his ability to chill out in any circumstances will inspire others to do the same. He is actually teaching you to let go of attachments to material object by pooping in the house, as on some level that shares the knowledge that it's all just crap and who really cares.

Your Dudeist dog may also say pooping in the house being wrong is well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

There are branches of the Dog Dudeism that follow this philosophy: No matter what life brings you, pee on it, kick some dirt over it and move on. 

A true Dudeist dog would find kicking the dirt over it too much effort, but he totally sees the zen in your doing it if that rocks your boat, man.

ch jackpot the dude abides


DUDE epitomizes the life and style of, well, the Dude. “I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.” — The Dude

Honor his French Bulldog Dude-ness. He abides.

PS - Yeah, I really DO have an ordination in DUDEISM, I paid the extra $20 to get that fancy certificate...