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Does Your Dog Have
✔ A Dry, Crusty Nose?
✔ Is Top of Nose Dry?
✔ Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Thick Elbow Calluses?
✔ Callused Hocks
✔ Pre-Callus Areas?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Rough, Dry Paws?
✔ Sensitive Paw Pads?
✔ Extra Dry Paw Tissue?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Skin Irritations?
✔ Scratches & Scrapes?
✔ Rashes? Abrasions?
Try It All!
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✔ Any Combo of Products
Does Your Dog Have
✔ A Dry, Crusty Nose?
✔ Is Top of Nose Dry?
✔ Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
Soothes Dry, Crusty Noses Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Thick Elbow Calluses?
✔ Callused Hocks
✔ Pre-Callus Areas?
Conditions Elbow Calluses Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Rough, Dry Paws?
✔ Sensitive Paw Pads?
✔ Extra Dry Paw Tissue?
Moisturizes Rough Paw Pads Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Skin Irritations?
✔ Scratches & Scrapes?
✔ Rashes? Abrasions?
Soothes Minor Skin Irritations
Try It All!
✔ Mix & Match
✔ Tins & Tubes
✔ Any Combo of Products
Over 125 Dog Breed Label Options
Relax Dog Aromatherapy Calms Your Anxious Dog
Relax Dog Aromatherapy gently soothes your scared, stressed dog using all-natural essential oils
Age Well Aromatherapy For Your Dog's Aging
Age Well calms your senior dog's agitation and confusion, keeping them in the present moment.
Focus Dog Aromatherapy Chaos to Concentration
Helps hyperactive, wound-tight, inattentive dogs pay attention for short periods (classes etc.)
Even Big Dogs Can Be Afraid of Thunder, Fireworks or Being Alone
Relax Dog Aromatherapy Calms Your Anxious Dog
Relax Dog Aromatherapy gently soothes your scared, stressed dog using all-natural essential oils
Shop Relax Dog Aromatherapy
Age Well Aromatherapy For Your Dog's Aging
Age Well calms your senior dog's agitation and confusion, keeping them in the present moment.
Shop Age Well Dog Aromatherapy
Focus Dog Aromatherapy Chaos to Concentration
Helps hyperactive, wound-tight, inattentive dogs pay attention for short periods (classes etc.)
Shop Focus Dog Aromatherapy
Even Big Dogs Can Be Afraid of Thunder, Fireworks or Being Alone
2 min read
Sharp-looking, smart, athletic, interesting conversationist…the Basenji would have a FAB Tinder Bio. But just like that great Match your single friends talk about…the Basenji is absolutely perfect for some and for others would not be a perfect Match.
The Basenji has the double edged sword of being incredibly intelligent and high energy. When that superpower intelligence is put to good use in an active family, life can be sublime. If left alone and allowed to be bored, havoc will be wreaked.
High energy means just that...the Basenji needs miles of exercise every. single. day. or that energy may turn to the dark side of chewing, escaping or mass destruction. If you really are ready to commit to that exercise requirement, congratulations.
Basenjis truly are one of the quintessential escape artist canine breeds. They view fences as merely something that slows them down...but not for long! When you look up canine escape artist the Basenji's smiling picture is right there amongst the Top Ten. Smart, agile, and able to solve problems they need a super-max worthy enclosure if they are to be trusted in the yard alone.
Basenji lovers who Know Things encourage new Basenji devotees to have their dog microchipped, have tags firmly attached and introduce your Basenji to your neighbors and any delivery drivers in the area.
They also have a very high prey drive, which means cats, hamsters, squirrels, and pretty much anything small that moves will be chased and often caught.
For those who appreciate a dog who thinks on their own, can problem solve, and can keep up with their exercise requirements the Basenji can be a rewarding best friend. If you can be honest with yourself and commit to their needs, you will be rewarded with an intelligent, active, entertaining companion for many years to come.