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SHIPPING IN USA FREE! Orders Over $50 Automatically Upgraded To Priority! International Orders Shipped At Actual Cost
Does Your Dog Have
✔ A Dry, Crusty Nose?
✔ Is Top of Nose Dry?
✔ Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Thick Elbow Calluses?
✔ Callused Hocks
✔ Pre-Callus Areas?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Rough, Dry Paws?
✔ Sensitive Paw Pads?
✔ Extra Dry Paw Tissue?
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Skin Irritations?
✔ Scratches & Scrapes?
✔ Rashes? Abrasions?
Try It All!
✔ Mix & Match
✔ Tins & Tubes
✔ Any Combo of Products
Does Your Dog Have
✔ A Dry, Crusty Nose?
✔ Is Top of Nose Dry?
✔ Nasal Hyperkeratosis?
Soothes Dry, Crusty Noses Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Thick Elbow Calluses?
✔ Callused Hocks
✔ Pre-Callus Areas?
Conditions Elbow Calluses Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Rough, Dry Paws?
✔ Sensitive Paw Pads?
✔ Extra Dry Paw Tissue?
Moisturizes Rough Paw Pads Naturally
Does Your Dog Have
✔ Skin Irritations?
✔ Scratches & Scrapes?
✔ Rashes? Abrasions?
Soothes Minor Skin Irritations
Try It All!
✔ Mix & Match
✔ Tins & Tubes
✔ Any Combo of Products
Over 125 Dog Breed Label Options
Relax Dog Aromatherapy Calms Your Anxious Dog
Relax Dog Aromatherapy gently soothes your scared, stressed dog using all-natural essential oils
Age Well Aromatherapy For Your Dog's Aging
Age Well calms your senior dog's agitation and confusion, keeping them in the present moment.
Focus Dog Aromatherapy Chaos to Concentration
Helps hyperactive, wound-tight, inattentive dogs pay attention for short periods (classes etc.)
Even Big Dogs Can Be Afraid of Thunder, Fireworks or Being Alone
Relax Dog Aromatherapy Calms Your Anxious Dog
Relax Dog Aromatherapy gently soothes your scared, stressed dog using all-natural essential oils
Shop Relax Dog Aromatherapy
Age Well Aromatherapy For Your Dog's Aging
Age Well calms your senior dog's agitation and confusion, keeping them in the present moment.
Shop Age Well Dog Aromatherapy
Focus Dog Aromatherapy Chaos to Concentration
Helps hyperactive, wound-tight, inattentive dogs pay attention for short periods (classes etc.)
Shop Focus Dog Aromatherapy
Even Big Dogs Can Be Afraid of Thunder, Fireworks or Being Alone
2 min read
Do you remember when eBay first hit the scene? Maybe I'm dating myself a bit, but I remember that rush of excitement I felt when someone told me about eBay and I clicked away. I searched "French Bulldogs" and dozens of way-cool items I wanted popped up. Back then it was virtually all collectibles...chalkware Frenchies, porcelain French Bulldogs and the random book. Nothing was new or mass produced. It was like an online antique store.
The algorithms were not as sophisticated as they are now. So, we had all these tricks like search via French Bulldog AND French BulldogS (seems so silly now). Plus, lots of the small antique stores and flea market fiends did not know what a French Bulldog WAS, so lots of Frenchie stuff was listed under Boxer or Boston Terrier or even Pug. Those of us who were Frenchie fanatics would search under ALL of those terms (and the plurals) to find the elusive Frenchie treasures.
Of course, eBay now is more of a general store and less of an antique shop and one has to dig through ETSY and other sources to find the treasures. In its heyday eBay was the great untapped source for those of us with the passion to sift through it.
Throughout the world there are collectors and then there are COLLECTORS. Some of my Frenchie friends have entire ROOMS dedicated to their collections. Display case after display case line the walls and every square inch of wall space is covered with artwork.
Recently I met the curator of, Eiffion Ashdown. If you love Bulldogs, dog collectibles or BOTH it is worth a click. Go ahead and fix a cup of tea, as you will be lost in Bulldog collectible land for a while!