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The Blissful Dog of the Day ~ Ari Mays

3 min read

ari the pomeranian

The Blissful Dog of the Day ~ Ari Mays aka Ari

The Blissful Dog: Today we are honored to have a most elegant Pomeranian, Ari Mays, as The Blissful Dog of the Day.

Let’s start with the basics, can you tell us your dog’s name. Full name, if applicable registered name and any nicknames.  

B.P.: Ari Mays 

The Blissful Dog: Tell us the meet-cute story. Were you running errands and happened to pass a rescue group hosting an adoption day? Your eyes met and it was love at first sight? Even if your son moved to Australia and couldn’t take his dog and that’s how you ended up with your buddy, we want to know!  

B.P.: I have always loved Pomeranians!  Their teddy-bear faces, the adorable fluffy hair...they are just beautiful little creatures!  I had been wanting a Pomeranian for years and one day stumbled upon a craigslist ad with one for sale. 

The lady selling him had a beloved male and female Pomeranian, and was told by the vet early on that the female would likely never have babies.  She was surprised to find out that year that her girl was pregnant with not only 1 but 3 babies!  She then set out to find good homes for each of them. 

The moment I arrived at her house I was greeted by the tiniest white little fluff ball.  He was up in my lap right away and didn't leave my side from the moment I arrived.  We instantly had a connection and I just knew he was my baby I'd been searching for!  Seven years later and he still brings just as much joy to my life as he did on that very first day we met.


The Blissful Dog: We are so not age-ist here, so can you share how old your dog is? If you know your dog’s birthday, let us know.

B.P.: June 27th 2011.  He is 7 years old. 

The Blissful Dog: Ari is a Cancer dog, they are known to be incredibly loyal and once they give their love, they will have your back for life. They thrive being with their special person. That sure sounds like Ari to us!

The Blissful Dog: Is Ari your only dog or pet?

B.P.: Ari is an only child- and I think he actually likes it that way! Haha.  He has friends that he enjoys visiting in the dog park, but I think he loves all the spoiling and attention that he gets as an only child. 

The Blissful Dog: Does Ari watch dogs on TV? Is there a fave show or channel? 

B.P.: He doesn't have a favorite show.... but if there is any type of knocking or doorbell on the TV, he's going to check the front door immediately!  He likes to think he's a security dog. 

The Blissful Dog: Aren’t you glad that one pizza commercial that rang and rang the doorbell is over now?

The Blissful Dog: What is your dog’s favorite splurge for a snack? A bit of steak, a bully stick, stolen cat litter box truffles? 

B.P.: Dad's scrambled eggs are his favorite weekend treat!  He also loves the FreshPet treats. 

The Blissful Dog: If your dog could be any other breed or mix of dog, what do think they would be?  

B.P.: He would be a Chow Chow!   He likes to think he is big and ferocious but is really just a teddy bear. 

The Blissful Dog: Has your dog ever taken an obedience class? Class clown or class star?

B.P.: Ari says:  "Obedience classes- what are those?"  :)

The Blissful Dog: We hear you, Ari and we agree!  

The Blissful Dog: If you could tell your dog one thing and know they 100% understood, what would it be? 

B.P.: I love you!!  & you will always be my first true love!  <3 p="">  

The Blissful Dog: Does your dog have any silly habits or idiosyncrasies? Do they spin in circles before pooping? Do they always (every. single. time.) bark when the microwave beeps? What is that funny little thing your dog does that always makes you smile? 

B.P.: When he wants food, he gets on his hind legs and and claps like a bear.   He also loves to sleep on his back with his legs up in the air. 

The Blissful Dog: Thank you so much for sharing a bit about the most confident Pomeranian on earth, Ari. We are honored.