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All About That BASTE!

Thanksgiving Emergency Vet Visits Are NOT Blissful

For many of us our Thanksgiving ritual includes sharing a great, big meal with friends and family. Unfortunately, most of the foods our dogs don’t need to eat are what we feast on over the holidays. 

I know we've all read umpteen articles about what dogs cannot eat. It can get confusing. Plus, if you are the host/hostess you have the extra stress of someone giving your begging dog "people food." It's our responsibility to ensure our dogs don't eat what is bad for them.  

Many people add info about what NOT to feed your dogs within the invitation. Others gently share the Turkey Day Dog Tips as the meal begins or even while socializing before the meal.  Here a few tidbits you can use! 

The first person who says, “Just a bite won’t hurt,” is responsible for all clean-up of canine upset tummies (both ends) AND the emergency holiday vet visit. They have been fore-warned! When you announce this rule, say with a smile, or you may end up on Reddit’s AITA. We would vote NTA.

Also, make 100% sure all guests know you are the ONLY one allowed to give any snacks to your dog. You may select a Designated Dog Snack Giver to someone who can be trusted.

On to what is allowed and what isn’t. Let’s do what IS allowed, as that list is much, MUCH shorter.

The Short and Not Very Sweet OK for Dogs List

  • Apple slices
  • Sweet potatoes (plain) (not pie or covered with brown sugar)
  • Pumpkin (plain), not pie
  • Turkey - Absolutely NO skin or bones
  • Green beans (plain)
  • Peas (plain)
  • We suggest you have holiday-themed dog treats and keep it simple for everyone

The List of Do NOT Feed To Your Dog

  • Turkey bones, skin, and gravy
  • Stuffing/Dressing in the South
  • Casseroles/Hot Dishes in the Midwest
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Creamed peas
  • Chocolate, cookies, pies, and sweets
  • Nothing “sugar-free” or containing xylitol
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Onions 
  • Garlic
  • Ham
  • Fatty foods
  • Foods containing spices

You’ve made it through the meal, and no one gave any of your dogs even one tiny morsel of food. Congratulations. One last task. Keep the trash and all its temptations secure and out of your dog’s reach! A dog who feels left out from the feast can be incredibly sneaky and resourceful. Put that trash into a secure area. We suggest the guest bathroom, shed out back…anywhere your wiliest dog cannot get into!

Just in case the dreaded happens and your dog somehow gorges on the “NO List” foods, here is the Pet Poison Helpline, or call your local emergency vet that offers weekend and after-hours services. Have that number available ahead of time!

Have a SAFE and Happy Thanksgiving! Remember, it's All About That Baste!