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French Bulldogs are little tough dogs, aren't they? Their Bulldog heritage shows through in their stoic attitude and an incredibly high discomfort tolerance.
Even with all that Frenchie swagger, we know those boo boos are uncomfortable and need attention. French Bulldog Boo Boo Butter is the perfect go-to balm for non-emergency minor irritations that need a bit of extra attention.
French Bulldog faces can become raw, irritated, and red down in the facial folds and the area from their eyes down to their mouth where tears irritate the skin. Before you moisturize these areas, you must clean and dry their face first. We've developed Fresh Face Wash for this specific need that so many of our dogs have. A fresh, clean, sweet smelling face is just a spritz away!
Lighter Frenchies are often plagued with reddish, rusty-looking tear-stained areas. This is a multi-pronged issue and cannot be remedied by wiping their face off. More info on cleaning your Frenchie's face here.
• Soothes Irritated Facial Folds (Nose Wrinkles, Brows Furrows, etc.)
• Protects Face From Tear Staining Irritation
• Alleviates Clipper/Brush Burn/Irritation
• Softens Crusty Ear Edges
• Soothes Scratches, Scrapes, Scars & Scabs
• Calms Itchy, Irritated Skin
• Helps Injured Tails
• Ideal for Inverted Tail Areas
• Helps Healing Start for Interdigital Cysts
• Kickstarts Healing for Rashes & Nicks
• Calms Cuts & Abrasions
• Relieves Fungal & Bacterial Issues
• Shea butter
• Olive oil
• Almond oil
• Coconut oil
• Neem oil
• Argan oil
• Castor oil
• Cocoa seed butter
• Avocado oil
• Beeswa
• Oil Infusions of Chamomile, Calendula, Comfrey & St. John’s Wort Oil
• Dash of Essential Oils (Cedarwood, Cypress, Lavender)
Boo Boo Butter is individually handcrafted by The Blissful Dog in far northern Minnesota using all-natural ingredients.
• Available in 5 sizes of tins
1, 2, 4, 8 & 16 oz tins
• Available in 3 sizes of tubes
15 oz (lip balm size), .50 oz tubes and 2.25 oz Tube with Boo Boo Paw or 3 Cute Puppies label.
• Includes complete directions booklet
• Your Choice of 125+ Boo Boo Butter dog breed labels
Our #1 Best Tip! Warm product before using for faster absorption. Stick tin or tube in pocket or rub in palm before application.
DABon clean affected area
DISTRACT to keep them from licking it off
DONE Then REPEAT 2-3x daily for 1-3 days or until area improves
Use as needed for follow-up
Non-toxic, no active ingredients & no harm if licked
The reason for so much info on distracting your dog is so the product will be absorbed and get its work done. It's non-toxic, of course, but it needs to soak in to be effective.
Give treats before, during and after application, if needed
Try desirable treats - cheese, canned cat food, chewy dog treats
Petting and cuddling can be the best distraction-works for me
Feed an especially yummy dinner right after application
Throw a ball or go for a walk afterward
You don’t have to rub it in PERFECTLY, as the product starts to melt at body temperature
Catch ‘em napping. Dab the product on while they sleep - sneaky
Tag team ‘em. Have one person be the treat giver while you are the dabber
Follow with something positive and your dog will soon associate Nose Butter application with happy times
Think of it like cutting toenails or giving meds. Sometimes we have to do what’s in our dog's best interest.
Some dogs may be in discomfort if they have chewed, scratched or gnawed at a sore spot. They will be extra protective or wary of this area.
Many dogs just do NOT like being controlled tightly and will try to get away. It’s not that they hate Boo Boo Butter (ouch-we hope not), but they do not like being restrained tightly.
Dogs have flight or fight as a means of protecting themselves. Taking those two best options away leaves them with wiggling and struggling.
Some breeds like to be in charge and will not accept being held tightly. Fast application is key with those personality types. I'm looking at every bullie dog I've known with this one!
Toy dogs know they are small and will often over-compensate.
Boo Boo Butter is that ideal product for your dog's skin issue that needs attention, but is not an emergency.
No artificial ingredients, no synthetics, no petroleum by-products, nothing you cannot pronounce, just good stuff to support your dog's healing process.
Boo Boo Butter is an excellent alternative to antibiotic creams/balms, as we've seen so many antibiotic resistant issues around over-usage, in people and pets.
Boo Boo Butter with a French Bulldog label is the same recipe/product/formula as Boo Boo Butter with a French Mastiff aka Dogue de Bordeaux on the label.
The labels celebrate how diverse our dog breeds are. Plus, it allows you to customize the product with your dog's breed. Kinda like a mug or tshirt with your dog breed on the front, but helps them be more comfortable.