Collection: Blissfully Brand New

Our Latest & Greatest Blissful Products 

When was the last time you were expecting someone and had one of the dogs have a smelly accident? An awful eye-watering smelly mess! We've got two new products that will handle that heinous event and FAST!

First, spritz our Simply Everything Fresh Deodorizing Spray to knock that odor out! Then grab the dog and give a quick waterless bath...yes, there IS such a thing. NO H20 Waterless Shampoo will have your dog looking and smelling their best in minutes...and you didn't get wet!

Crisis du Jour averted!

Plus, it's that time of the year again...nasty biting bugs are buzzing around outside just waiting to snack on you, your dogs, your horses...anything they can sink their mouths into! Check our our 3-Step Bug Off System for a natural approach to keeping bugs at bay. 

The Blissful Dog 3-Pronged Battle Plan for Keeping BUGS OFF

  1. Bath your dog in BUG OFF SOAP
  2. Spray BUG OFF SPRAY liberally on dog from ears back 
  3. Apply BUG OFF BUTTER to ear tips, tail (especially the end), any area bugs seem to bedevil