Bulldog Blissfully Fresh™ Face Wash

$11.95 Sale

Your Bulldog's Face Will Be Blissfully Fresh Fast!

Did you know a nickname for Bulldogs in the UK was the Sour Mug? Their tendency to have sour-smelling faces helped them gain this rather unflattering nickname. That and the supreme side-eye that only a Bulldog can give!

Dogs breeds with heavier, shorter faces, and more pendulous jowls tend to develop issues with accumulating tears, food, water, and more in the creases. It can be musty-smelling and lead to fungal or bacterial issues. Bulldogs tick off every box on the funky face list.

The good news is that regular usage of Blissfully Fresh™ Bulldog Face Wash can help lessen those issues and clean and keep your buddy smelling fresh.

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