Pekingese Custom Combo

$47.75 $29.95 Sale Sale
pekingese dog coat care

Customize Your Pekingese Dog's Essential Care Kit 

Pekingese - Personality Plus

Pekingese dogs have a look and personality that is uniquely their own. Everything about them is unusual and charming. Did you know the Tibetan monks who originally bred Pekes purposefully bred them to have short bowed legs so they would be unable to run away from the monasteries and palaces?

But, along with that perfectly Peke flat face can come a predisposition toward having a dry nose. Plus, rough paws and the occasional itchy skin frustration can also aggravate Pekes. Mix and match the exact combination of our handcrafted balms you need to keep your Pekingese looking and feeling Peke-tastic!

Complete Product Info, Ingredients, Directions+ in Tabs & Videos Below

Pekingese Custom Combo Kit Details

  • Select two 1-ounce tins
  • Select three lip balm sized .15 oz tubes
  • Options: Nose, Paw, Elbow, Bug Off, and Boo Boo Butter
  • Nose Butter & Boo Boo Butter - Pekingese label
  • Paw Butter & Elbow Butter - Stock label
  • Bug Off Butter 
  • In a metal storage tin (5.5" diameter) with a Pekingese cover
  • Includes tips, hints and directions brochure
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