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EZBoy Our Wheelchair French Bulldog Scoots

The hardest part of letting EZBoy scoot around the house was letting his little feet callous up. We tried soft socks and these rubber dog boots and he scooted them off. Yes, vet wrap, everything…but this little guy would not stand for any of that sissy stuff. So, he scooted around and made callouses on the top of his back feet. I guess like we have to get those tender winter feet ready to go barefoot in the summer!

EZBoy also has several methods for his famous scoot. When he is just bebopping around the house, he does this penguin waddle…not so fast and he kinda rolls from side to side. That earned him the nickname Flip Flop. When he cranks it up a notch he becomes Bouncey Bounce Bounce and makes pretty good speed around the humble abode. Then turbo power kicks in and I swear, he levitates and just FLIES like something on a Star Wars movie. The greatest part is that he grins from ear to ear as he tears across the yard or the beach. I cannot catch him when he is at FULL SCOOT…ok, I am a chubby 52 year old woman, so I am not moving at warp speed, but he is FAST.

The post EZBoy SCOOTS…. appeared first on The Blissful Dog® Inc.. 4/29/2009