Vizsla Focus Dog Aromatherapy

$23.95 Sale

Is Your Vizsla All Over The Place...Flitting From One Thing To The Next?

Vizsla Focus Dog Aromatherapy Can Help Shift Dog Distration to Canine Concentration

Are you desperately trying to get your Vizsla ready for hunting season? Or dog shows? Or agility? Is your Vizsla the proverbial Energizer bunny? Go, go, go, go, go, with seemingly no off switch? All that energy is great when going for a run or for field work, but sometimes you wish you could get your Vizsla to pay attention and FOCUS!

Whether you are training for work as a field dog, obedience class or you really just want to teach your Vizsla to SIT, you may need help getting that canine concentration needed to learn a task.That's where some Focus Dog Aromatherapy can help.

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