Great Pyrenees Nose Butter

$11.95 Sale

Does Your Great Pyrenees Have a Rough, Dry Chapped Nose? 

The Great Pyrenees, or Pyr as their legoin of fans call them, is one of the ancient breeds. For thousands of years, they have guarded livestock the world over with quiet dignity and grace. As times have changed the Pyr has also become a beloved companion and family dog.

Our Great Pyrenees, Zoe, was one of the most wonderful dogs we have ever been lucky enough to share our lives with. She passed at 13 in the spring of 2017 and while I'm grateful for her long life, I will miss her forever. 

Great Pyrenees Dry Noses

Like many of the giant, large and livestock guardians, the Great Pyrenees has a tendency toward developing a dry, cracked nose or ridge of crust across the top of the nose. A dry nose is not only unattractive, it can inhibit your Pyr's ability to sniff out the necessary info. This can cause your Pyr to feel anxious, on edge, and worried about their ability to guard. Like we feel with No Service on our cellphone when we REALLY need directions.

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