Just like humans have fear triggers such as snakes, public speaking, heights, and the #1 trigger SPIDERS, so do our dogs. For dogs, who live in the moment, the big triggers are thunderstorms, fireworks, and being alone. These make sense, as dogs don't know if the fireworks or thunder will EVER stop. When we leave they don't know if we will EVER come back.
Hunting/military dogs learn to anticipate the loud noises of gunfire. They learn the lifting of the arm with the noise-maker in the human's hand = BIG NOISE and they can prepare themselves for it. They don't know exactly when thunder or fireworks will go off, so they are startled.
This is all good info, but what can you DO. No one wants their dog drugged all the time. Most of us can't stay by our dog's side 24/7 to support them. While we don't claim your dog will be a chill canine during a trigger, we do offer Relax Dog Aromatherapy to help take the edge off your dog's fears and anxiety.