Papillon Relax Dog Aromatherapy

$23.95 Sale

Is Your Papillon Afraid of Thunder? Fireworks?

Your Papillon is probably an outgoing, confident little dog. Eager to please and happy-go-lucky 99% of the time. But let thunder begin and your brilliant Papillon dog turns into a trembling, terrified dog. 

Just as people are often terrified of certain situations; heights, flying, public speaking, etc. so are our dogs. For dogs, the biggies are thunder, fireworks, being alone, and travel. Relax Dog Aromatherapy helps take the edge off stressful situations for your Papillon… naturally. No drugs…just a gentle aromatherapy blend and your dog can be a bit calmer.

Papillon Relax Dog Aromatherapy uses gentle essential oils to calm and reassure your frightened Papillon. Each oil provides a layer of calm...all working together to help your Pap relax.

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