Keeshond Relax Dog Aromatherapy

$22.95 Sale

Does Thunder Panic Your Keeshond?

Relax Dog Aromatherapy helps take the edge off your anxious Keeshond's stress and anxiety...naturally.

The Keeshond is one interesting dog. They have a number of aliases - Wolf Spitz, German Spitz, Wolfspitz and of course, Keeshond. One more...the plural of Keeshond is Keeshonden.

Many Keeshond suffer from separation anxiety. Their ancestors were renowned family dogs, a tradition they continue. So, being alone is not natural to them. Like many dogs, your Keeshond may be terrified of thunder, fireworks or any loud, unexpected noises. Don't judge - many people have irrational fears of spiders, snakes, clowns, public speaking or flying!

Of course, Relax Dog Aromatherapy is gentle aromatherapy NOT a Doggie Downer, your Keeshond should be less tense and not as frantic. But they still won't enjoy being left home alone for long periods or the fireworks show. Taking the edge off panic allows your dog to make it through the scary event without injury to themselves, you, your family or your property.

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