Greyhound Relax Dog Aromatherapy

$22.95 Sale

Is Your Greyhound Afraid of Thunderstorms? Fireworks? Separation?

Think about this...Greyhounds were bred to start chasing their prey immediately upon sighting it...they are hard-wired to always be in the starting blocks, ready to RUN! RUN! RUN! This makes them inherently wound a bit tighter than some dogs.

Just as we have fear triggers (heights, snakes, clowns), so do our dogs. For dogs, the biggies are thunder, fireworks, being left alone, and often travel. Your Greyhound may associate fireworks or thunder with the starting pistol sound, causing another level of stress/anxiety.

Relax Dog Aromatherapy for your Greyhound uses our custom blend of safe essential oils to gently calm and relax your dog. These oils work together to gently take the edge off stress, fear and anxiety, allowing them to be calmer and feel safer. Of course, gentle essential oils are NOT going to knock your dog out. Relax Dog Aromatherapy helps take the edge off the fearfulness so your dog can make it through the anxiety-inducing event.

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