English Toy Spaniel Relax Dog Aromatherapy

$22.95 Sale

Is Your English Toy Spaniel Afraid of Thunderstorms? Fireworks? Being Alone?

Relax Dog Aromatherapy Helps Ease Your English Toy Spaniel's Anxiety...Naturally

English Toy Spaniels are gentle, sensitive, sweet souls. One glance into those eyes and you know there is nothing but love and tenderness there. Of course, it is our job to protect such a sweet spirit from the stress and anxiety caused by thunderstorms, fireworks, trips to the groomer or vet or from being left alone.

My little English Toy, Gio, is the most sensitive dog I have ever met. He is actually offended if I dare sneeze. He jumps out of my lap, turns, gives me the worst stink eye, and sashays over to Steve to sit in HIS lap. I have been scorned and shunned...

Relax Dog Aromatherapy for your English Toy, or King Charles Spaniel as the rest of the world calls them, uses a gentle custom blend of safe essential oils to gently calm and relax your dog.  While Relax Dog aromatherapy is NOT a doggie Valium, it will not knock them out…it will help take the edge off and make a scary time more tolerable for us all. 

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