Coonhound Relax Dog Aromatherapy

$22.95 Sale

Is Your Coonhound Scared of Thunder? Afraid of Fireworks?

Coonhounds are usually rock-solid dogs. Bred to track, trail and tree raccoons, etc., they are accustomed to gunshot and loud noises. But, just as certain events trigger panic in people (spiders, snakes, heights, public speaking), certain situations can trigger your Coonhound's anxiety.

Thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noises in general are common triggers for our dog's fears. It may seem odd that dogs which have been bred to be hunting dogs would be afraid of thunder. During a hunt or trial they are anticipating the gunshot, their adrenalin is pumping and they are expecting the BOOM. Thunder or fireworks are unexpected and thus startles them.

Relax Dog Aromatherapy Eases Your Coonhound's Fears and Anxiety

Relax Dog Aromatherapy is a gentle anxiety treatment you can use easily in your home or on the go. No harsh drugs, no restrictive garments, and no fuss...just a gentle application of classically calming essential oils to take the edge off stress for your Coonhound. While your Coonhound will probably never enjoy fireworks at the lake, they can make it through a tense day more easily.

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