Clumber Spaniel Nose Butter

$11.95 Sale
clumber spaniel grooming

Does Your Clumber Spaniel Have A Rough, Dry Nose? Is It Crusty Or Cracked?

If your Clumber's nose is just a bit dry or cracked and crusty, we've got good news! Nose Butter® will soothe and moisturize that dry nose

Your Clumber Spaniel's Dry Nose

Many dogs with more extreme body types (no body shaming, merely stating our observations) have a tendency toward developing dry noses. Giant breeds, toy breeds, flat-faced and bully breeds, plus the herding/Collie types, heavy-bodied breeds and the nordic breeds (Huskies, etc.) all have nose issues of their own. Yep, the Clumber ticks off several of those categories.

Our thanks to Cherilyn H. and her photographer, Karrie Dollar for the pics of Butter above and in the Nose Butter pictures. 
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