Bloodhound Blissfully Fresh™ Face Wash

$11.95 Sale

Your Boxer's Face Will Be Beautifully Fresh in a Flash!

Did you ever give your Boxer a hug, only to smell Did you sniff your shoes, your dog's feet, and under the couch? After sniffing around like a Bloodhound you realize your Boxer's sweet face is a stinky, funky mess. 

Dogs with beautiful, big expressive eyes (like your Boxer) often have trouble with excessive tearing. Tears can cause not only staining but also a smelly, sour face odor. BLISS TIP! As you know, nothing topical will eliminate tear stains completely, except bleach and that's a hard no. The stained hair must grow out and be cut off to get rid of it 100%. The good news is regular usage of Blissfully Fresh™ Face Wash can help lessen the staining and help keep the new growth clean. Lots more info on this issue is found here - Tear Staining Bliss Tips . It is a multi-pronged process, but it does work.

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