Collection: Stinky Filthy Dog Shampoo & Soap Collection

Stinky Filthy Dog Soap & Shampoo Collection for Your Dirty, Filthy Animal of A Dog

Do You Have A Stinky, Filthy Dog? You know the one...The dirt-loving dog who splashes through every single mud puddle, the smelly dog who manages to find the stinkiest, most disgusting, unidentifiable STUFF to roll in, the dog who gets dirty IN THE CAR on the way home from the groomers. THAT dog.

Our Stinky Filthy Dog Shampoo and Soap are packed full of odor-controlling, funk-busting good stuff to help your filthy dog smell like angels bathed them! Or at least a LOT better.

Thanks to Tammy of WillieCole Photography for the dirty photographs (hehe-dirty photos).


Have you ever had a dog get skunked? Fresh, close-up skunk smell is an eye-watering, throat closing horror of a smell. After 20+ years of living in the far northern woods of Minnesota with curious dogs and annoyed skunks, these are well-tested tips. DE-SKUNK TIPS  

This product was formerly known as D**** D***** Dog Shampoo and Soap. And yes, there is quite a dirty, nasty story to go along with the name change.