Collection: Rottweiler Collection

Shop Everything Blissfully Rottweiler Right Here 

All of The Blissful Dog goodies that are Rottie labeled, plus a few we think you may want to check out, are accessible right from this page. EZ, Fast Shopping! Now you can shop fast and get back to hanging with your Rottie.

Rottweiler History Snippets

Did you know Rottweilers worked as herding dogs for decades. In the late 1800s cattle herding was forbidden by law and the Rottweiler found new work pulling carts for butchers and other merchants.

Random Rottie Factoid - The coins earned at market were often tied in a bag around the dog's necks. Many a thief probably thought twice about that heist!

It has only been in the last few decades that the Rottie became the formidable protection and guard dog we know today.