Collection: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Shop Everything Blissful for Your Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Caring for Your Toller

This page showcases all of the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever dog grooming supplies we have for sale plus some skin care products that may benefit your Toller. For more on their fascinating history, check out my article on the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever HERE..  

If you are someone who shares their life with a Toller, I admit to a twinge of envy. What lovely, intelligent dogs! I fan-girled over your breed ;-D

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

The Toller (thankfully there is a short nickname for this lovely breed) is so much more than a little Golden Retriever, as they are often called. A sporting breed with a rich heritage and a devoted band of devotees, this energetic copper colored Retriever is an undiscovered gem of a dog.

The Toller is one of the high-energy, when-the-heck-do-they-ever-slow-down breeds that need to be in a household that is ready to enjoy all of that energy. Think Border Collie energy level in a small Golden Retriever body with Ginger hair and you've got the Toller. They need exercise and plenty of have been warned.