Collection: Icelandic Sheepdog

The Icelandic Sheepdog  Collection | Personable Dog of the North

The Icelandic Sheepdog, or Icie, as their friends call them, is a people-loving, high-energy, herding dog that is the only dog to have originated in Iceland. Viking explorers brought the ancestors of these hardy dogs to Iceland as they ventured west. They are truly Viking dogs. Not a common breed, they are loved by a fierce band of admirers who have worked hard to keep this breed pure.

According to AKC, the Iceland Sheepdog is the only dog breed known to have originated in Iceland. Their ancestors, a Nordic type dog, landed on the shores of Iceland with the first Irish monks and the Vikings in 825-874. 

The Laki volcanic eruption in 1783-1784 decimated the human population by 20% and livestock and animals by 50% and almost caused the settlers to abandon Iceland.

Below are items featuring the Icelandic Sheepdog on the label and others recommended for the care of these delightful dogs.