Collection: Havanese Collection

Everything Blissfully Havanese

Bliss in a Fur Coat

Havanese are happy, loving, delightful dogs to live with. But as anyone who loves this breed knows, that silky cottony coat can be tough to keep tangle and knot free! The Blissful Dog offers a variety of products for your Havanese dog's care. Some feature the Havanese on the label, plus, other products that may benefit your Havanese are suggested. 

Random Havanese Factoids

The Havanese is the only native Cuban dog breed. Funny side note: When I added the Havanese to our items for sale on eBay I had to change the description, as I had mentioned they were from Cuba and eBay had banned selling anything from Cuba. 

Were once known as Havana Silk Dog, Habeñeros or White Cubans. The Havanese was almost extinct in the 1960s when three families exported to the USA, bringing their dogs with them. These few dogs were the basis of the revival of the breed.