Collection: Beagle Collection

Everything Needed To Keep Your Beagle Blissful

From nose to tail, we're got your Beagle covered. Nose Butter® for those bothersome dry noses, Paw Butter for rough pads and shampoos, conditioners to keep them clean + aromatherapy to keep them happy!

Your Beagle...The Best Barker. REALLY! Beagle vocal cords are actually stronger than other dogs. Beagles have distinctive barks for different occasions - the basic bark, baying when they are on a trail, and the howl for when they are sad, lonely, bored or just to join in the howling fun.

Beagles started as a much smaller dog. Yep, a Pocket Beagle. The Pocket Beagle was popular in 16th century England and it is said that Queen Elizabeth I was very fond of the bitty Beagles. Supposedly, they were bred to be small so they would fit in a hunter's jacket pocket as they road across the hunting lands.