French Bulldog is #1 in the United Kingdom

Frenchies Rule in the UK

After decades of the Labrador Retriever being the utter and complete favorite dog in England a FRENCH dog is now at the top of the dog pile. Yes, the sassy French Bulldog has snorted their way into the #1 most popular dog in the UK spot.

For the first time in 30 years or so, the venerable Labrador Retriever is no longer #1 in Kennel Club registrations. 

According to hot off the presses Kennel Club figures, there were 8,403 registrations for French bulldogs in the first three months of this year, but just 7,409 for labradors. Frenchie registrations are up 23% over 2017 in the UK.

Kennel Club secretary Caroline Kisko said: ‘We have never seen such a dramatic increase in breed popularity as we have with the French bulldog, and so far in 2018 it is the top dog in the UK for the first time. The Daily Mail has more here .

Do Labs in the Uk have hurt feelings? Are they sprawled out on estates, farms, all over the English countryside pondering this turn of events? Or have they accepted their slip in the public eye with the graciousness and decorum of their many years of genteel living as the #1 UK canine?

As you may have read elsewhere on this site, I've owned and for decades shown and bred French Bulldogs. While no longer active in breeding them, I am still active in the breed and of course, still Frenchie obsessed.

But when we bought our farm 18 months or so ago, the most loyal chocolate Labrador Retriever was part of the deal. We asked if Linus would like to spend the rest of his life here where he's lived for ten years and happily it worked out. So, we are also happy Lab people now.

Labs are kind and generous dogs, but I have a sneaking feeling they may be a wee bit miffed at being knocked off their perch by the upstart Frenchies. Linus still does not know what to think when Dude, my Frenchie, tries to initiate play. Dude does the stiff-legged bounce with ears up and an intensity that is very bulldog-specific. Linus has no idea what that crazy canine body language means and in true Lab fashion, he leaves the room without engaging with Dude.

Something tells me the British Labs are not exactly gutted by this turn of events. They have accepted this minor blip in their star status and will be patiently waiting by the hearth.