More on EZBoy’s Wheels

You are probably wondering what is up with THOSE classy wheels??? Well, I had shopped for wheels for him and was shocked, and saddened, at how expensive they are. No offense to the dedicated people who make and sell doggy wheelcarts…So, I put my proverbial thinking cap, ok, I Googled around and wahlah or however you spell that…oh yeah, Voila, and there I found it! Plans for a do-it-yourself wheeled cart for Dachshunds. With just a few modifications I knew it would be perfect for EZBoy!.

Almost two years ago, at Frenchie Fun Camp (that is another post), we decided to make a cart for EZBoy. We had seen the carts that were around $500 and I was sure that our creative group could make one for him. I Googled around and found plans for a cart on a Dachshund site. It was made of PVC and odds and ends…a MacGyvered dog wheelchair…just my style!

So, each of us Mary, Carol, Kathi and Ellen took a part of the cart and got to work! That way, we could all have a part in it. Carol and Mary cut the PVC (I am not allowed to use sharp objects). Kathi and Ellen figured out the velcro and I found some wheels. Talk about it takes a village!

An inordinately long period of time was spent measuring EZBoy and comparing the shape of a French Bulldog body to that of a Dachshund…talk about apples and oranges! We knew, from many hours of watching various hunky guys on HGTV and DIY Network, that we needed to measure twice and cut once.

Far be it from US to defy hunky Home Improvement Show Dudes…so we measured and measured. Then… Carol grabbed the saw and cut away! Before you knew it, we had pieces of PVC lying about and the next step was upon us. GLUING!

I stepped up and announced that I knew how to glue the PVC together…I grabbed that heinous smelling purple stuff and got after it. Yep, we were makin’ a cart! Eleen, who works as a costume designer for various theater groups (she gets paid to make doll clothes for people and then add glitter to everything), grabbed the super duper industrial strength Velcro we had obtained and proceeded to work her magic. She moaned and groaned about not having glitter braid or anything else decorative to adorn the velcro with. We assured her that EZBoy would not mind. I think he was relieved at escaping the glitter demon.

Almost two years ago, at Frenchie Fun Camp (that is another post), we decided to make a cart for EZBoy. We had seen the carts that were around $500 and I was sure that our creative group could make one for him. I Googled around and found plans for a cart on a Dachshund site. It was made of PVC and odds and ends…a MacGyvered dog wheelchair…just my style! So, each of us Mary, Carol, Kathi and Ellen took a part of the cart and got to work! That way, we could all have a part in it. Carol and Mary cut the PVC (I am not allowed to use sharp objects). Kathi and Ellen figured out the velcro and I found some wheels. Talk about it takes a village! Here is a clip of EZBoy begging for his cart!

An inordinately long period of time was spent measuring EZBoy and comparing the shape of a French Bulldog body to that of a Dachshund…talk about apples and oranges! We knew, from many hours of watching various hunky guys on HGTV and DIY Network, that we needed to measure twice and cut once. Far be it from US to defy hunky Home Improvement Show Dudes…so we measured and measured. Then… Carol grabbed the saw and cut away! Before you knew it, we had pieces of PVC lying about and the next step was upon us. GLUING! I stepped up and announced that I knew how to glue the PVD together…I grabbed that heinous smelling purple stuff and got after it.

Yep, we were makin’ a cart! Eleen, who works as a costume designer for various theater groups (she gets paid to make doll clothes for people and then add glitter to everything), grabbed the super duper industrial strength Velcro we had obtained and proceeded to work her magic. She moaned and groaned about not having glitter braid or anything else decorative to adorn the velcro with. We assured her that EZBoy would not mind. I think he was relieved at escaping the glitter demon.

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