New Labels for the RELAX Aromatherapy Roll-On

I have been plowing my way through updating all of the labels for The Blissful Dog – whew! Here are the updated labels for the RELAX! Aromatherapy Roll-On. I realized I had gotten away from using the famous EZBoy Yoga Dog picture and I felt moved to find the perfect products for EZBoy’s legacy. What could be better than RELAX! Of course, we still have that amazing picture of the Bulldog on his back, now you have a choice and the label has the directions right on the bottle.

RELAX! is a soothing blend of therapeutic quality aromatherapy oils, blended with my own Vibrational Essence blends, in organic golden jojoba oil. It is so easy to use and it helps, it really does.

When you first get your RELAX! sit with your dog when you are having a great day, when you are content, happy and feeling the love. Then roll a bit on their groin or inside their ears. Then just sit with your dog and enjoy being with them. Set the mood of wonderful relaxation and love the first time they smell this and it will set an association for them. Remember smelling grandma’s gingerbread cookies baking? Or the smell of fresh-cut grass as a kid? Same thing, make a connection.

Then when their is an event that stresses your dog grab the roll-on and take a deep breath and relax yourself first. THEN roll it on them, as before. Speak in a calm, reassuring voice and just reassure them all is good. Now here comes the hard part. Try not rush to that energy of “Oh, you poor pitiful dog, scared by the thunderstorm.” Be strong and reassure without franticly buying into their moment of panic. This is hard, I know, but we have to set the tone of the energy for our dogs. I hope that made sense, I read it through and it did to me…

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